Monday, April 27, 2015

Illustrated Storymaking in Elementary School - Blank Hardcover Story Books

White Blank Books with Hardcovers 6"W x 8"H (6 Books / Pack)

My daughter(third grade) asked for a hardcover blank page book to make her own illustrated storybook. I found these(pictured and linked) on Amazon. They've got 16 bank pages and a blank hardcover. She has since asked for more, and I got a set of six. Short stories with illustrations can be done easily in this 6 x 8 hardback.

I've been collecting art supplies from the thrift for years, so we have a huge stash. I also noticed you can purchase supplies in "lots" off ebay. This is so much less expensive than building your art center with new items that tend to be overpriced.


Debbie J said...

Good ideas!

Alexandra said...

Thanks, Debbie. Good to see you again. 😊